On The Vine Currants 6X8.jpgClementines-6X8.jpgApple 5X5 M.jpgCantaloupe and Salt Shaker 9X12.jpgTwo Peaches 5X7.jpg5 Pears 8X10.jpgApple with Leaves 5X7.jpgApple with Stem 7X5.jpgBranch with Four Apples 9X12.jpgCherries 6X8.jpgChinese Dragon with Apricots and Plum 8X10.jpgClementines 5X7.jpgHandful of Strawberries 6X8.jpgLemon with Two Slices 5X5.jpgLemons 6X8.jpgMandarin 5X5.jpgPeaches  8X10.jpgPears 8X10.jpg
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On The Vine Currants 6X8.jpg